
The Stars are God ( Brahman ); the sun is Brahman;
The moon is Brahman; the water is Brahman
The Heaven is Brahman
And the Lord Vishnu's abode, Vaikuntha, is Brahman too.
The mother is Brahman; the father is Brahman ;
All living beings are Brahman; the individual self is Brahman
The power that creates is Brahman;
The power that sustains is Brahman
The power that destroys is Brahman;
The mistress of the house is Brahman;
The very time is Brahman and the creation is Brahman;
Nature is Brahman and life is Brahman;
Everything is Brahman and this assembly, too, is Brahman;
Sai who declares the truth is verily Brahman.

- Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba